Friday, November 25, 2005

Eat It

Oh gosh, old school Weird Al. I miss my childhood! :)

I had a nice Thanksgiving. If you haven't played Catch Phrase, you should play it. With several people. It's quite possibly the most fun game ever.

Memorable Quotes of the Evening:

Clue: "The place in Italy with all the water and gondolas!"
Response: "Venezuela?"

Clue: "The Shakespeare play about food!"
Response: "What?!"
Clue: "Eggs and..."
Response: "...Hamlet?"

Now I can't sleep; I guess my tummy is too full. Just because you don't eat turkey doesn't mean a damn thing. Whew. But it's only one day of over-indulgence a year, and how unpatriotic would I be if I didn't participate?

The best part of my day was Sister badgering me about a dessert that I make on Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's a treat that my family affectionately calls Pecan Slop. That's the most accurate way to describe it. Sister is the tough-girl type who will never admit that she likes the stuff, yet she eats practically the whole damn thing when I make it. Today I didn't make it because Mother bought/made way too much dessert. Sister went on and on about how much she wanted some, even though she "doesn't like it." She said, "I want some of that nasty stuff that gets stuck in my teeth!!" *Laughs* Weirdo.

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