Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I'm So Sleepy

I fell asleep this afternoon at around 5:00 and woke up at 10:30 this evening. Yeah, that's a good sleep schedule to be on, hehe. I had a semi-late night (1:00 a.m. is late for me at twenty-two years old. How unutterably sad.) and woke up early, so I was wiped. Today was a nice day, though. Despite the bad feelings that always accompany my trips to the airport, I dropped Boyfriend off there this morning and still managed to have a nice day. The fact that he'll be back next week helped a lot. I shouldn't be sad at all but I'm just so damn attached to him. Europe for two months without him is going to be challenging. *Shrugs shoulders*

I had lunch with my former boss this afternoon, which was just wonderful. We went to a Korean restaurant that she had taken me to once before during my internship. We sat in the floor - not on the floor, in it! - and had some yummy tofu dishes. She was the one who introduced me to tofu at that very restaurant so of course I love her. I mean, I would still be chowing down on cheese sandwiches, wondering where the hell all my energy went, if not for her (how many eggs/nuts can a person eat?).

We had some great conversation; I enjoyed myself immensely. She's like the coolest boss you could ever have. A V.P. at a large corporation yet completely down-to-earth. She keeps telling me to call her if I ever need anything, and she was quite excited about meeting up for lunch today. And since it's not like lunch with me is the most exciting thing in the world, I know it's because she's a person who takes a genuine interest in people.

We spoke about what kind of year the company's having, my family, Boyfriend, what I want to do with my life, and even blogging. She kept pressing me to think about writing about my experiences. She said over and over, "It would make a wonderful book. Think about it." (Mentor and others have told me the same thing. I guess they hope that all this life bullshit will turn out to be useful for something other than giving me white hairs, of which I now have four or five.)

I had about a half hour to kill before I met her for lunch, so I bummed around clothing stores and for some reason got really excited about shopping for the summer. That's really not me, I'm the not the I-Love-Shopping girl (unless it's book shopping), but in this one store, it seemed like they had so many outfits that would suit me, especially at my new job. Not only that, but they were also looks that I have always wanted to cultivate but never did. So, looking to try new things. Yipee.


Anonymous said...

i think i deserve some love for the suggestion of lunch !!!!

this listening to me is becoming a nice habit !!!!

sojourness said...

You get plenty of love :)

Anonymous said...

omg, so wait, you're having fun shopping without me?

sojourness said...

No, I'm having fun thinking about shopping. It's not the same thing, lol.