Monday, February 16, 2009

I like the list method. It suits me.
  • I may have strep throat. I went to the doctor yesterday and should be finding out today. Lovely.

  • Valentine's Day was sort of a bust because of the (possible) strep throat. I had a whole fancy dinner planned but none of it came to pass because I was sick in bed.

  • Valentine's Day was also awesome because for the first half of the day, before the illness set in, I watched movies, decorated cookies and ate chocolate with my favorite girls in the world (aside from my sisters) - the girls I visit on weekends. They even gave me a Valentine! :)

  • I was in a knitting funk until I decided to start a super cool top for Sister. I bought Simply Soft yarn in a pale green and am working on it right now.

  • Plans continue to be made for Boyfriend's Sister's wedding this summer in Bali. As in, Future MIL is asking for my measurements to make me an Indian outfit!

1 comment:

cheekynomad said...

feel better. woman, you are always sick - strep?

u visit girls on the weekend? wait, are you volunteering?