Monday, April 17, 2006

this kiss

It feels like forever since I've blogged. Mother's birthday came right before Easter so there were things to be done all the time. But, what with Easter and all, I have something to say about religion, so here goes.

For some reason, Easter always makes me feel closer to Christianity. More so than Christmas. I suppose this is because Christmas has become so ingrained into American culture that I think of family and Christmas trees and warm cookies on snowy evenings. Easter, on the other hand, is distinctly Christian, no matter how commercialized it has become. At my age, the Easter bunny and chocolate eggs just don't hold any value for me, so the religious aspect is the only aspect I am pulled towards.

This Easter I would have liked to go to church, as Fellow Seeker did. But family activities took up the entire day, so I couldn't. I also wanted to watch The Passion of the Christ, but didn't get a chance to do that either. Not even Charlton Heston in The Ten Commandments!!
*Throws hand to head in overly dramatic show of regret*

I did, however, get to watch The Gospel of Judas on the National Geographic channel. I loved it. I'm fascinated by those Gnostic Gospels. More fascinated when I watch specials on them than when I actually read them. For someone who is so interested in religion, history and philosophy, I sure do get turned off when I can't understand something. The gnostic gospels remind me of the Tao Te Ching: every so often I get a wrinkled brow and wonder to myself, "What the hell does that mean?" Jesus, what do you mean you're in the piece of wood? But there's nothing better than those NGC/Discovery/History Channel shows where they have the experts, the epic music, and the corresponding works of art. I loved seeing depictions of Jesus and Judas throughout the whole two hours. Fun stuff.

*Newsweek article on the Gospel of Judas



Maybe it's not he's IN th' wood, maybe he was just misquoted when he said he was GETTIN' some wood. Think Mary Magdeline was around at th' time. :P

Hey, he was only human! Mutant powers or not!

Anonymous said...

May the grace and joy of the Risen Christ be with you all!

"Jesus is the one Saviour of the world. In him God's mercy was made flesh in the fullness of time, to bring salvation to humanity mortally wounded by sin."---Pope John Paul II


The "gospel" of Judas is a gnostic text.

Gnostics thought that the body is inferior and somehow lower than the soul, that creation isn't good -- and that's right out of gnostic teaching. This sect and their misleading theology were refuted by the early Christians.

Christianity rightly teaches that humanity is not evil, but rather wounded and thus, as Saint Peter rightly taught: "By His wounds you have been healed." (1 Pt 2: 24)