Wednesday, September 05, 2007

I am working on a really tedious project that requires quite a bit of time but not a whole lot of brain power. I was thinking about Rome and thought I would share my thoughts.

I think it was a damn good series. Boyfriend and I watched all of season one, finishing with the finale over the long weekend. The finale was difficult because some things I had been dreading came to pass, and I know that the next season will be profoundly impacted by these events. That shows you it's a good show; I'm so emotionally invested. We rented discs 1 and 2 of the second and final season so that will be coming up soon! :)

(Why do they have to put seasons on like 6-8 different DVDs? Money-grubbing bastards. How can you put two episodes on one disc and sell it on its own?)

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