Friday, July 01, 2005

Blank Sheet of Paper

I just finished watching my new favorite show, 30 Days. For those of you who haven't seen it, it was created by Morgan Spurlock, the guy who did Super Size Me. He conducts experiments for thirty days, and they are fascinating. So far I have seen one in which he and his fiancee try to survive on minimum wage for a month, as well as the one I just watched about a Christian guy from West Virginia who lives with a Muslim family in a predominantly Muslim community for a month. It was fairly predictable: the guy goes in with stereotypical expectations but realizes that he was wrong about certain things. But it was still very good to watch. I think it's going to be shown again a couple of times this week, and you should try to catch it if you can.

I got my Killing the Buddha in the mail and am just loving it. Almost done and will be rereading it, probably right away, so that I can highlight the best parts. No temple today because I am home sick. I called in sick because I had a legitimate reason - woke up this morning with bad stomach pains - but I am fast approaching burn-out. Every day after work I have something to do or attend or work on. I don't get home until night, and I don't get to rest very much on weekends. Maybe over the July 4th weekend I will hide in my room and work on my memoirs.

Yes, I am writing my memoirs, and I am aware of how strange it is to be doing that at 21 years old. It just sort of happened. During my last trip, I wrote a few pages about the night of Father's accident. I really only did that for the sake of doing it; it was such a vivid night and I thought I should capture that before I forget how it felt (as if I ever will). After I did that, I started writing short accounts of other things. I haven't even brought up spirituality in them yet. That will be huge.

By the way, isn't this blog a cyber-memoir? So maybe it's not such a strange idea after all.

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