Thursday, March 09, 2006

Telephone Line

I thought this was way cooler for HNT. I mean, seriously. Besides, I was going to blog about talking on the phone anyway.

I had a great conversation with High School Friend tonight. I just got the urge to call her because I wanted to tell her about something specific that excited me, and we wound up talking for over an hour. Now, I am not a phone person by any stretch of the imagination. I think it's genetic. When Father was home, he hated talking on the phone. He never called anyone back. It wasn't that he didn't like people - he's quite extroverted - but for some reason the phone thing didn't jive. Doesn't jive with me either. I don't even answer my house phone anymore; I like the Boo Radley kind of life. I don't like talking about important things over the phone, either. I would rather talk about them in person, or even online! It's weird. So, while my friends call me up occasionally, I don't really talk on the phone all that much.

But, anyway, I called H.S.F. and it was so great to talk to her. Again, she's someone I only talk to in person or online, but it was so nice to just bullshit about all kinds of stuff. And I found myself telling her about some things that had been bothering me, and she made me feel better about them. Kudos to good friends.

*By the way, Sister's Boyfriend is having heart surgery tomorrow. Please send prayers/good vibes his way.


Osbasso said...

I like this! I think we need a little more originality in HNT. And this works for me!

BTW--glad you didn't decide to give up the blog...

sojourness said...

Thanks Os :)

Anonymous said...


Moosekahl said...

Love and prayers for your sister's boyfriend. I'm a bit late making my rounds this week but great HNT shot. What program did you use? Happy HNT

sojourness said...

I just used Paint Shop Pro - cut out my head from another picture and threw it on there. Thanks :)