Monday, March 12, 2007

This morning the raccoon was still there, meaning he had been there all weekend in the rain. So this is about a week since his demise, and he looks it. The rain didn't help, ruffling his fur as he lay by the side of the road.

And one day his woman ran off with another guy
Hit young Rocky in the eye

I don't have much to say, have been stressed with family issues lately but other than that, things are fine. I am a bit nervous about that journalism fellowship I applied for. Technically, if I got it, I will hear by Monday, which is seven days away, but I am panicking and telling myself that since I haven't heard yet, it means I didn't get it. Screwed up logic. I dunno.

Random snippet from my journal that I think you might enjoy:
"If it were not for my love and for good male friends like Bro, I would be shooting at men from the roofs of buildings."

1 comment:


Woot! Although, please, shoot away. Fix up the genepool an' cut out some competition fer me. :P